Related article: whom it was intended. I allude
to the death of Will Hurrell,
whipper-in to the Puckeridge,
through a fall in a very mysterious
way, leaving a widow and child
unprovided for. The poor lad
had neglected to enrol himself as
a benefit member of the Society
which was formed to save his
family from want Aleve With Aspirin under the very
circumstances that have un-
happily occurred. In this case,
doubtless, voluntary effort will to
a Aleve Ibuprofen great extent allay the widow's
need, yet nevertheless we have
here an object lesson which we
may well lay to heart. Ought
not every hunt servant on his en-
gagement be encouraged, if not
obliged, to join this Society in his
own interest as well as that of
the profession to which he
belongs ?
In putting this important ques-
tion I may not be speaking
directly to the hunt servants
themselves, who seldom, I fear,
read the pages of your Magazine,
but I shall, at all events, be
bringing the question before the
eyes of their masters, and also
before those of thousands of their
friends and well-wishers, the
hunting men and women of the
United Kingdom, That by this
means pressure may be brought
to bear on many a young man
who is donning the hunt uniform
for the first time to induce him to
provide for a rainy day, accident,
or sickness. Perhaps also the
Society may be induced to form
a junior branch for its younger
members, and increase their en-
couragement to join it. If I
take this opportunity of calling
attention to this excellent Society,
it is certainly due to it that I
should give to the sporting world
some particulars of its growth, its Advil And Aleve
scope and present condition. For
does it not Aleve And Aspirin form one of the pillars
of hunting ?
Established in 1872, its growth
has been most remarkable, con-
sisting as it now does, after only
twenty-six years existence, of
eighteen hundred honorary mem-
bers, contributing either ;^i a year
to Aleve And Ibuprofen its funds, or being constituted
honorary members for life through
a donation of £s* The income
by this means assured to the So-
ciety was in 1897 ;^782 2s. 6d.
In addition to this, the Society
has an income of £i^S5^ ^^s. from
well-invested funds with which to
meet its liabilities and benefit
members, who number at present
four hundred and twenty, and
their subscriptions amount to
;f94i 1 6s. gd. per annum. These
sums, with those in the bank and
in the hands of officers, bring the Ibuprofen Or Aleve
total income of the Society up to
about ;^3,6oo. The Society is
threefold in the means it employs
in dealing with these funds.
(i) It gives a weekly allowance
of 15s. in case of sickness or
(2) An annuity at the rate of
15s. a week after the age of sixty
or sixty-five years.
(3) A provision of £^^0 or
£\^o (as circumstances admit) for
widows, orphans, or other rela-
No fewer than 102 hunt servants Aleve Naproxen Aleve Aspirin
have during the year 1897 Aleve Advil received
sick and accident pay amounting
to ^792.
Whilst twelve hunt servants
are enjoying annuities in their old
age amounting to £w^ 15s.,
Death has entitled the surviving
relatives of six hunt servants to
the sum of ;^i,ooo during 1897.
Now let us see what economy the
hunt servant is called upon to
exercise in order to participate in
these three permanent advantages.
If a lad enters at fifteen years,
he has to pay iis. 9d. a year in
order to participate in the sick-
pay fund ; at the age of twenty-one
I2S. 6d., and so on up to the age
of fifty-five years, when it amounts
to £1 4s. iid. The lad of fifteen
years who wishes to insure his
life for ;^i7o or ;^i5o has to pay
£1 IIS. 4d. a year, or if he is
twenty-one, £\ i6s. 4d. a year,
and so What Is Aleve on up to fifty-five years,
when his premium is £% is. 3d.
The lad who wishes to secure an
annuity of 15s. a week after sixty
must pay £\ 13s. a year, or Ibuprofen Aleve if
twenty-one years £7. 4s. lod., Aleve And Advil and
so in proportion up to fifty-five
years. Considering the excellent
wages paid to hunt servants and
the tips that the majority get,
the annual deductions required by
the Hunt Servants' Benefit So-
ciety are by no means heavy.
Happy indeed ought the hunt
servant to feel that in joining this
Society he is aided by no less than
1,800 sportsmen and women vol-
untarily each year, and conse-
quently in a comparatively short
existence, as compared with other
friendly societies, his society has
become one of the most flourishing
and beneficent societies in the
United Kingdom.
There are about 240 packs of
fox and stag-hounds in the United
Kingdom, and these must employ
quite 600 hunt servants, to whom
this Society offers its assistance.
So that at the present time there
are at least 100 hunt servants
who are still not benefit members,
and participate in Aleve Or Ibuprofen no way in its
advantages. Is it going too far
for me to remind masters of hounds
that they may not be exceeding
their duty in insisting on their
servants becoming members when
they join their establishments,
provided they have not already
done so ? For be it remembered
that by joining the Society when a
man is young gives him the im-
mense advantage of a small annua)
payment rather than a larger one,
and above and beyond this there
is the incentive for the young
man, having chosen this as his
walk in life, to stay in it, and
strive for improvement and Advil Aleve suc-
cess, rather than lose the benefits,
which as a hunt servant he thus Aleve D
On looking carefully into the
Society's Advil Or Aleve list of benefit members,
it is somewhat striking to notice
that only 94 out of the 420 benefit
members subscribe towards all
three funds, and are entitled to
sick pay, an old-age pension, and
an insurance. The great majority
content themselves by Naproxen Aleve subscribing
solely to the sick-pay fund, which
I venture to point out to them is
somewhat short-sighted policy,
because if in addition to this they
insured their lives for ;^i50, or
made provision for old Is Aleve Ibuprofen age, or
both, they are making the future
safe for Aspirin And Aleve their widows and children
as well as themselves. Had poor
Will Hurrell done this when he Aleve Or Advil
donned the Pucker idge uniform,
his widow and children would not.